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The review of modern methods to evaluate users servicing quality
Redkina N. S.
Bibliosphere. 2016. № 3. P. 65–73.
DOI: 10.20913/1815-3186-2016-3-65-73
Marketing methods of evaluating services of both readers and library users online are important to improve the qua¬lity of library-information servicing. The most commonly used methods to assess the quality of library services are statistical indicators analysis of activities (attendance, the number of resources/services access, etc.); surveillance; user survey; questionnaires; analysis of online services and Internet resources to determine the level of user satisfac-tion (online questionnaires, «like» estimates and others). In assessing satisfaction/dissatisfaction of users, their ser¬vicing quality such marketing tools as SERVQUAL, LibQUAL + {TM}, SERVPERF, «mystery shopper», «Kano methododology» and the concept of «neutral zones» by Ch. Bernard are more relevant. Their applying makes it pos-sible to obtain accurate and complete information on the efficiency of employees’ work, to develop a program of activities and necessary recommendations to improve the quality of library servicing.
Keywords: library services, library servicing, quality, marketing, evaluation methods.
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