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Collections, reading rooms
Problem-oriented Reading Rooms
Reading Room № 1. Natural Sciences
The majority of auxiliary collection of the Reading Room № 1 is free legal deposit copies of literature on diverse problems within the scope of modern natural science.
The collection comprises home and foreign editions on physics, mathematics, chemistry and environment preservation, Earth sciences, agriculture, biology, public health and medicine, psychology, sports, religion and atheism, all published during the latest 10-20 years (literature published earlier is stored in the main basement stacks). Here scholars and area specialists may avail themselves of editions published by the Academy of Sciences, universities and scientific societies, materials of conferences and symposia, monographs, preprints issued by research bodies of the SB RAS, of Russia and post-Soviet countries. Students may work with manuals and learner’s guides.
The collection includes specialized reference books, terminological dictionaries, general and discipline-oriented encyclopedias.
Reading Room № 2. Economic Sciences
The SPSTL SB RAS, as a national legal deposit copy recipient, provides ready access to literature reflecting the vast array of problems related to modern economic activities.
Reading Room № 2 contains a collection which is built up of home literature published during the latest 7 years; included are fundamental works published earlier (literature published in earlier years is stored in the main basement stacks).
Here one may find information on trends and possibilities in free enterprise, on types of industrial concerns, on situation in commercial production and sale, marketing and advertising, price formation, industrial finance and stock market, personnel management, production planning and current economic analysis, monetary and currency systems, taxation, banks and monetary exchanges. Literature on statistics and demography is included in this Reading Room’s collection too.
Literature on urgent problems of economics is regularly displayed through the expositions arranged by the Reading Room’s officers.
Reading Room № 3. Social Sciences
The core of this Reading Room’s collection is constituted by legal deposit copies that cover virtually every problem within concern of modern social science. It comprises literature on history, philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, logic, literary criticism, linguistics, pedagogy, political and military sciences, arts and culture, all published during the latest 10 years.
A considerable part of the collection is composed of books on Russian history, among them treatises by N.M. Karamsin in many volumes, works by S.M. Soloviyov, V.O. Klyuchevsky and others, a great variety of monographs, collected scientific papers, manuals in political science and culture.
Reading Room N 3 makes available methodological and recommendatory literature on the above mentioned branches of knowledge.
Patrons of the Reading Room can make use of a sizable collection of reference editions presented here.
Visitors are offered an exhibition of newly arrived literature (updated on Wednesdays) and topical selections on social problems, regularly arranged in the Reading Room.
Reading Room № 4. Engineering Sciences
Reading Room № 4 holds a diverse collection of literature on problems of engineering and technology. The collection, composed mostly of free legal deposit copies, includes more than 40000 frequently requested Russian and foreign editions on power engineering, heat technology, metallurgy, machine building, radio engineering, computer programming, civil engineering, transport, all published during the latest 10-15 years (Earlier-published literature is stored in the main basement stacks). Besides, the Reading Room’s collection comprises a file of preprints issued by research institutions of engineering during the latest 5 years and editions of bibliography on engineering sciences issued during the latest 2 years.
Contents of the Reading Room’s collection embrace all spheres of life, from power engineering to hairdressing, from ship building to car repair, from metallurgy to equipping a summer cottage and from chemical technology to cookery. It also includes a significant selection of literature on home appliances maintenance, TV, radio- and video sets care and control of personal computers. There is also rather a numerous file of books and booklets on dress fashion and exploitation of stitching and knitting machines of all types.
The core of the collection is composed of scientific/production and reference literature.
Numerous bibliographies, indexes, abstracts, and CD-ROM databases can be found here,
to aid the researcher in locating requested materials.
Reading Room № 5. Law Literature
SPSTL SB RAS has accumulated a considerable collection of law materials acquired mostly as legal deposit copies, and through other sources. Recognizing the need for ready access to this kind of literature, the Library opened its Reading Room of Law Literature.
Storage shelves of Reading Room № 5 house materials on jurisprudence, state organization and law, published in the latest 10 years. The core of the collection is composed of codes and commentaries to codes, collections of laws, a plethora of monographs, collected papers, teaching aids on jurisprudence. The collection includes quite a few methodical and recommended aids on the above listed topics, as well as reference editions.
Exhibition of literature that entered the previous week, is arranged and updated on Wednesdays. There are also regular thematic expositions. Materials from the Reading Room may be lent to patrons on the conditions of Night Loan, to arrange a loan one should consult the reference desk staff.
Specialized Reading Rooms
Reading Room № 6. Newspapers
The Reading Room of newspapers is a structural unit of the Division of Periodicals. It maintains an extensive newspaper collection which amounts to 353 titles of federal and regional press, in their number news editions, entertaining and advertising papers, trade associations’ publications.
The holdings of Reading Room № 6 include newspapers issued during the latest 6 years. Newspapers of deeper retrospection and bound newspapers are stored in the main basement stacks.
Visitors can use public access computers to view electronic versions of newspapers in the Internet.
Reference and search aids:
on-line catalog of newspapers;
card file on the Reading Room’s collection;
navigator on Internet resources.
Regularly arranged by the Personnel of the Reading Room are:
displays of fresh newspapers;
expositions of regional newspapers;
topical selections devoted to political, economic and cultural events in Russia.
Reading Room № 7. Patent Documentation
The SPSTL SB RAS maintains one of the most extensive collection of patents and related documentation in the Far East and Siberia, which is due to the fact of its receiving non-chargeable legal deposit copies of patents in the amount equal to that received by the All-Russia Patent Technical Library (Moscow). It allows our users to conduct all kinds of research into patent documentation and economic conjuncture.
The collection comprises more than 3 million patent items and documents, reference and methodical editions on invention, rationalization and license trade. It also includes:
– Regal Privileges (historical safeguards of inventions)(1814 – 1896);
-descriptions of inventions for inventor’s certificates and patents (from 1924 to the present day);
– descriptions of inventions for applications (from 1995 to the present day);
– Patent Bulletins of the Russian Federation (from 1924 to the present day);
– Bulletins of Patent Offices of leading industrial countries (from 1945 to the present day) (original).
Unique possibilities of patent information search in files of countries with minor patent collections are provided by editions of international organizations:
European Patent Office (EPO) – from 1987 to the present day;
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) -from 1987 to the present day.
Abstract Journal “Inventions in the Countries of the World” published by VNIIPI (All-Russia Institute of Patent Information) informs of inventions made in Great Britain, Germany, USA, France, Switzerland, and includes communications of two international organizations: the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and European Patent Office (EPO). The Journal (issued from 1972 to the present day) gives a possibility to perform patent information search using the Russian language.
Legal deposit copy granted by the Russian Book Chamber (RBC) enables patrons to use all auxiliary guides issued by the VNIIPI.
From 1996 Bulletins of the European Patent Office have been entering the SPSTL.
Patrons of the Reading Room № 7 can review the journals: “Patents and Licenses”, “Intellectual Property”; digest “Patent Trade” and others, as well as avail themselves of legal, instructional and methodological literature on problems related to observance of intellectual property rights.
Search of patent information can be facilitated by reference guides to patent files:
The International Patent Classification (all editions);
The International Classification of Merchandise and Services for Trade Marks Registration;
The International Classification of Industrial Models;
Indexes to Home and Foreign Patent Collections.
A patent item not found in the SPSTL’s collection may be received through Interlibrary Loan Service or International Interlibrary Loan. In such case one should consult ILL office (Room 311) or IILL office (Room 112).
Expositions. Newly arrived materials and topical selections of literature on problems of invention and patent certification are regularly displayed in the Reading Room.
Special services. The staff of the Reading Room can render special services using the Reading Room’s collection and network resources:
patent search (class “International patent classification”, by number);
search for a trademark, industrial standard or model,
downloading on diskette or printout of full text of patents.
Network resources supporting the special services:
Russian databases (1994-)
US databases (1976-)
Databases of International Patent Office (1970-)
Reading Room of Periodicals (№ 8)
Reading Room № 8 is a unit incorporated into the structure of the Periodicals Division and designed for work through journals from the SPSTL’s collection and full-text electronic journals of remote access..
The Reading Room holds:
a collection of domestic and foreign journals issued during the latest 5 years (permanent storage) and journals that entered during the latest 3 years (temporary storage)
encyclopedias, language dictionaries (general and special) necessary for work with foreign literature; these items may be requested from the reference desk staff.
CD-ROM editions
Reference and search aids
On-line catalog “Russian Journals of the SPSTL SB RAS;
On-line integrated catalog “Foreign periodical held by libraries of the SB RAS”;
On-line catalogs “Books and serials (1992-2004)” and “Books and serials (2005-)” to be used in search of dictionaries and CD-ROM editions;
Systematized card file of editions on CD-ROMs.
Exhibitions of new literature present authors’ abstracts of dissertations (arrived from the Russian Book Chamber the previous week), Russian and foreign journals entering the SPSTL’s and its Branch’s collections. The displays are updated every week on Wednesdays.
The Exhibition of serials entering the main stacks is updated quarterly.
Use of materials in the Reading Room:
To find a requested title one may use the above listed card files or consult the Computer Catalog (DB “JURC” – foreign journals, DB “UKTC1” – Russian journals). Public access computers are installed in the Reading Room. Journals published during the latest 5 years are available immediately on request, titles of earlier retrospection should be retrieved from the main basement stack. They are to be ordered at the Station of Request Acceptance in the Room of Catalogs.
Items are available for use while in the Reading Room. On readers’ request materials may be borrowed to home, on the conditions of Night Loan. To arrange for loans readers should consult the reference desk staff. In case of necessity journals may be placed on the reserve shelf, located in the Reading Room. The term of reserve must not exceed 15 days.
Reading Room № 9. Technological Norms and Standards
The contents of supporting collection of the Reading Room № 9 have a universal character; included documents are classified by specialized categories and types.
Preserved are documents in force, as well as those cancelled but having a practical and informative value.
The Reading Room № 9 is a custodian of more than 400 thousand technological normative documents of diverse categories, such as:
Normative documents (ND) on standardization, including:
international standards (GOST, ST CMEA);
national standards of the RF (GOST R, RST RSFSR);
branch standards and guiding documents;
recommendations and regulations related to standardization, certification, metrology and quality control in industry, as well as corresponding instructional and methodical literature
periodicals on standardization and quality,
monthly information indexes,
Russian national classifiers of engineering and economic information, and reference collection of Soviet all-union and branch classifiers,
specifications and regulations on civil engineering (actual and earlier issued editions);
“Bulletin of Construction Machinery” (from 1983 to the present day)
standards of time, output, consumption of materials for all kind of work in industry and agriculture
universal collection of industry catalogs of all kinds (nomenclature, specialty-oriented reference-catalogs, sheet-catalogs) published from 1970 to the present day affords experts a possibility to search information on technical characteristics, operation and repair of home-made and imported machinery, articles and materials,
collection of foreign industry catalogs published in 1981-1993 (on microfiches),
wholesale price lists (1980-1991), to use as reference-information tools.
Displays of new acquisitions and thematic selections of literature on problems of standardization, certification and quality of produce, etc. are regularly exhibited in the Reading Room.
Reading Room № 10. Reference Literature
Reference bibliography is a part of everyday activities in all discipline-oriented and specialized reading rooms, but the leading and coordinating role in this domain is played by the Department of Reference Bibliography (DRB) with the Reading Room № 10 built in its structure.
The auxiliary collection of Reading Room № 10 is universal and multilingual by character and includes editions of various types. A significant part of the collection is formed out of Russian and foreign current bibliography indexes. Here one can find editions issued by the largest information centers of Russia and the world: abstract journals of VINITI, chronicles of the Russian Book Chamber, bibliographic indexes and abstract journals of the INION, publications of the Institution of Scientific Information (USA) and others.
The SPSTL SB RAS is one of the few libraries holding the unique “Science Citation Index” (SCI). The issues of the SCI are always on the shelves of the Reading Room № 10, available for users wishing to perform a thematic search or to judge a scientist’s rating. On the basis of this edition the index “Journal Citation Reports (JCR)” is formed, where impact-factors and other indicators are presented
Of special pride is the collection of national bibliography of Russia and bibliographies of the world’s largest countries.
An answer to any question can be found in Russian and foreign reference books, dictionaries and encyclopedias stored on the shelves of the Reading Room N 10, in their number Brockhaus and Efron’s “Encyclopedic Dictionary”, “Encyclopedic Dictionary” by Granat brothers, Siberian Soviet Encyclopedia, encyclopedias of chemistry, geography, mathematics, etc.
A particular place in the reference collection is occupied by foreign encyclopedias: American, British, German, French and others. Always in demand are reference editions containing biographical information, e.g. “The International Who’s Who”. For those wishing to get information about academies, research institutions, educational establishments, picture galleries and conservatoires of the world, there exists a reference edition “The World of Learning”, published annually..
To clear patrons’ requests, the Reading Room’s staff employs traditional aids (bibliographies and reference editions) as well as computer resources. The latter are presented with:
on-line catalogs of Russian and foreign libraries;
bibliographic and full-text data bases;
searching machines and data portals;
electronic libraries and collections.
Main areas of activity:
· organization of efficient reference and bibliographic service for the SPSTL’s readers, research bodies, agencies and businesses of Novosibirsk and Siberian region,
· enhancing library and bibliographic awareness of readers,
· building and maintenance of a reference and bibliographic collection based on free legal deposit copies,
· maintaining the system of reference and bibliographic aids for the Division’s own collection,
· methodological guidance and assistance to other divisions of the SPSTL, as well as to libraries of research bodies of the SB RAS, in reference and bibliographic work,
· scientific development of methods of reference service.
· To determine impact-factor of a journal
· To determine citation index
· To give an opportunity of independent on-line search in electronic resources
· To render professional legal advice through “Legal consulting office”
· To instruct remote users in determining the citation index (on-line consulting based on the Skype-program)
· To consult other libraries in reference, bibliographic and information service, to conduct training courses, to lend instructional and methodical guides
· Virtual reference service
· Conducting seminars on topics: “Methods of determining the citation index”, “Library and bibliographic activities of today” (Organization of reference service using data bases, Introduction into the system of data bases and electronic editions, Distributed collection of data bases of the Siberian federal district: problems of creation and usage ) (see Siberian regional library center of continuous education, SPSTL SB RAS, Novosibirsk)
Some services are rendered for a fee, e. a.: determination of a journal’s impact factor, estimation of a citation index, and others. The full list of paid services is presented on the reference desk of the Reading Room.
Office for Methodological Work and Training in Librarianship
(Room № 11)
The SPSTL SB RAS, as a recipient of free legal deposit copy, has accumulated a sizable collection of materials on diverse problems of book publishing, librarianship and information science. A special room was equipped to house the collection and to serve as the access point to Russian, foreign and international literature on the problems of library profession. The collection consists of more than 20 thousand items of printed materials on book publishing, librarianship and information science, in their number are included Russian and foreign books, periodicals, serials, dissertations and authors’ abstracts of dissertations (specialty: Library science, Bibliography and Bibliology), proceedings of conferences, Federal Standards of the SIBID-system, unpublished materials of the SPSTL SB RAS, etc. Numerous manuals, language and terminological dictionaries, specialty-oriented encyclopedias and bibliographic indexes are issued immediately on request.
The collection is used as a basis for conducting research into the library profession problems, scientific, methodological and practical work, as well as for training in librarianship, bibliography, and information-related activities. The premises serve as a lecture room for educational and training actions performed by the Siberian regional center for continuous education of librarians.
Public access computers are installed for independent work at the Internet resources and local databases generated by the SPSTL.
Permanent exhibition of new literature is set up on the premises, and thematic selections on bibliology, computer science and librarianship are regularly displayed.
On patron’s requests the staff of the Office renders assistance in on-line search.
Reading Room N 12. Literature of restricted access
The collection of this Reading Room consists of more than 100 thousand printed items published in Russia from 1966 to the present day and intended for official use only. Contents of the collection cover a vast range of subjects; for the most part these are editions on jurisprudence, military science, energetics, radioelectronics, transport, chemical technology, etc. Included are state and branch standards (GOSTs, OSTs), monographs, authors’ abstracts of dissertations and dissertations defended in research institutions of the SB RAS.
Catalogs and card files: Collection of the Reading Room № 12 is reflected in alphabetical and systematic catalogs of books and authors’ abstracts of dissertations. There is also a regularly updated card file of new acquisitions.