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About the Journal
On the 23th of September 2004 SB RAS’ Presidium adopted a resolution on establishing the journal “Bibliosphere” by SPSTL SB RAS. It was the first scientific journal on library science, bibliography science, bibliology, library informatics in the Asiatic Russia.
To determine the Journal policy and to review papers the Scientific-editorial Council has been created, which now consists of doctors of sciences engaged at research institutions, libraries, and universities of Russia and abroad.
Chief editor is O. L. Lavrik, Dr. Ped. Sciences, Professor, the head of SPSTL SB RAS- the largest scientific library behind the Urals.
The Journal in Information Systems
Currently, all issues of the Journal (since 2005) are available in e-format. Full texts are open to readers in the Russian Index of Scientific Citation, Cyberleninka, on the constitutor website and in the periodicals’ system of Tomsk State University.
Abstracts of each publications of the Journal appears in VINITI’s DB “Informatics”.
In accordance with “Law on a legal copy of the Russian Federation”, the Journal printed copies are provided to the Russian Book Chamber and available in libraries receiving legal copies.
In case of stopping the journal release, electronic versions of its issues will be kept on the journal’s website and in the Russian Index of Scientific Citation.