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Reconstructing a musician scientific biography using library science methods (a case of A. I. Ziloti)
S. V. Gorobets
Bibliosfera. – 2015. – N 3. – P.97-98.
Scientific disciplines integration sometimes leads to unexpected results at the present stage of science deve¬lopment. Research techniques, developed in frames of one science to solve their own problems, occurred to be useful for another one. A representative instance became reconstructing scientific biography of A. I. Ziloti – an outstanding musician of the late ХIХ – early ХХ centuries – based on the library science research methods,
in particular, «linear-mine» technique of structuring and presenting personal biographical materials, offered by St. Petersburg scientist M. N. Kolesnikova and effectively implemented in E. V. Bakhtina’s thesis about a prominent library scientist V. F. Sakharov.
Keywords: scientific biography, reconstruction, «linear-mine» technique, librarianship research, A. I. Ziloti.