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«Polonica» at the European books collection of the Siberian academic library
T. N. Ilyushechkina
Bibliosfera. – 2016. – N 2. – P.73-79.
DOI 10.20913/1815-3186-2016-2-73-79
The article reviews books of the Polish origin existing in the collection of the European old printed editions of the XV – early XX centuries of the Department of rare books and manuscripts of the State Public Scientific-Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The attention is paid to pe-culiar features of editions and provenances of revealed copies.
Keywords: department of rare books and manuscripts of State Public Scientific Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, history of Polish books of XV – early XX centuries, Pol-ish old printed editions provenances.
1. Ilyushechkina T. N. The collection of Western European books of the XV – early XIX centuries at the Department of rare books and manuscripts of SPSTL SB RAS: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Bibliosfera, 2010, 3, 87–97. (In Russ).
2. Ilyushechkina T. N. Polish books in the European early printed editions collections of the Siberian academic library. SIBIRICA – istoriya polyakov v Sibiri v issledo-vaniyakh pol’skikh i rossiiskikh uchenykh : sb. nauch. tr. po itogam pol.-ros. nauch. seminarov (Varshava – Pul-tusk, 1–15 sent. 2012 g. ; Novosibirsk, 8–22 okt. 2012 g.). Novosibirsk, 2013, 123–130. (In Russ).
3. Ilyushechkina T. N. Book plates of Polish origin at co¬pies of the European early printed editions collection
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i kul’turnyi dialog : materialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (Novosibirsk, 23–24 apr. 2013 g.). Novosibirsk, 2013, 472–479. (In Russ).
4. Ilyushechkina T. N. Tizengauz library book collection in the European early printed editions collection of SPSTL SB RAS. Berkovskie chteniya–2013. Knizhnaya kul’tura v kontekste mezhdunarodnykh kontaktov : ma¬terialy mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (Minsk, 16–17 maya 2013 g.). Minsk, 2013, 155–159. (In Russ).