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A documentary-information approach in the context of post-non-classical methodology of knowledge in bibliographic and library sciences
E. A. Pleshkevich
Bibliosfera. – 2016. – N 1. – P. 3-9.
The basis of a documentary-information approach in the post-non-classical library and bibliographic sciences is the documentary information theory, as well as presentation of library and bibliographic institutions and services as a united complex self-developing system. The article emphasizes studying the institutional infor¬mation-documentary process, in the structure of which syntactic, semantic and pragmatic components are singled out. It underlines that library-bibliographical institutions implement a semantic component aimed main¬taining the semantic symmetry, and a pragmatic one connected with information updating due to bibliographic activity, all these permits to consider library-bibliographical documents and information as a resource. It is noted, that this approach makes it possible, firstly, to consider complementary informational-documentation aspects of library-bibliographic activities (to refuse the documentary and information paradigms opposition), and secondly, to justify the status of library-bibliographic institutions as organizers rather than the docu¬mentary-information process intermediaries. The approach methodological potential is analyzed and shown.
Keywords: bibliographic science, library science, documentary-information approach, information, documen¬tary information, bibliographic information.