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Copies of «Descriptions of Siberia» by Nicephorus Venyukov in Russian and European libraries XVII – mid XX century: on the history the book monument
T. N. Iljushechkina
Bibliosfera. – 2014. – N 1. – P. 52-58
The questions of existing the copies of «Descriptions of Siberia» in private and state book collections in Swe-den (the library of Royalgymnasium, Vesteros), Brandenburg (Berlin state library), Poland (the library Yagellonskij university, Krakow), Russia (the collection of the manuscripts in Rumyancevskij museum, now – in the State Library of Russia, Moscow; the collection of the manuscripts of earl F. A. Tolstoj and Imperial society
of the ancient writing amateurs, Imperial public library, now – in the Russian national library, St. Petersburg).
Key words: «Description Siberia», N. Venyukov, Y.G. Sparvenfeld, T. (F.) Gordon, E. H. B. von Dankelman,
E.G. von Bergen, N. Vitsen, D. M. Golicyn, manuscript collections of the end of XVIIth – the beginning of the
XVIIIth century.