
Jubilee data of two Russian large academic libraries – The Library of Natural Sciences (LNS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and State Public Scientific and Technological Library of the Siberian Branch (SPSTL SB) of the Russian Academy of Sciences – are good reasons for summing up the development of lib­rary systems which they head. The author shows the genetic bound between an academic library with science, and after a short excursus into the its history analysis, what the RAS libraries have got and lost during the last fifteen years, points out strategy and tactics of their development. It is shown, that «age-old» types of library activity – publishing, bibliographic, etc – are being transformed and diversified, and their appear new ones – that of experts and scientometrical. But their lacks comfortable information infrastructure, based on branches of knowledge: up to now within the informational and library system of RAS there is the information system based on territorial principle. The author supposes that RAS needs the union information net with branch subsystems.