Гендина Н. И.

Библиотеки и «многократная грамотность»: обсуждение проблем информационной грамотности на 75-й Генеральной конференции ИФЛА «Библиотеки создают будущее, основываясь на культурном наследии» (Милан, 2009)


Показано, что проблемами информационной грамотности занимаются специалисты зарубежных и отечественных библиотек и вузов, при этом в разных странах ее понимают по-разному. Описана работа Постоянного комитета по информационной грамотности ИФЛА по продвижению информационного образования и просвещения.

Список литературы


1.  Andretta S. Transliteracy: take a walk on the wild side [Electronic resource] // World library and information congress : 75th IFLA General conf. a. assembly «Libra­ries create futures: building on cultural heritage» (23–
27 Aug. 2009, Milan, Italy). – URL: http://www.ifla.org

2.  Horizons Broad, Cordes Sean The role of multimodal literacy in 21st century library instruction [Electronic resource] // World library and information congress : 75th IFLA General conf. and assembly «Libraries create futures: building on cultural heritage» (23–27 Aug. 2009, Milan, Italy). – URL: http://www.ifla.org

3.  Hepworth M., Brittain J. A method for the design, deli­very and evaluation of an information literacy programme for development workers studying: participation, power and social change [Electronic resource] // World library and information congress : 75th IFLA General conf. and assembly «Libraries create futures: building on cultural heritage» (23–27 Aug. 2009, Milan, Italy). – URL: http://www.ifla.org

4.  Islam S. Community Learning Centre (CLC): develo­ping a learning society in Bangladesh [Electronic resource] // World library and information congress : 75th IFLA General conf. and assembly «Libraries create futures: building on cultural heritage» (23–27 Aug. 2009, Milan, Italy). – URL: http://www.ifla.org

5.  Kim E. Moody. A constructivist approach to media lite­racy education: The role of the library [Electronic resource] // World library and information congress : 75th IFLA General conf. and assembly «Libraries create futures: building on cultural heritage» (23–27 Aug. 2009, Milan, Italy). – URL: http://www.ifla.org

6.  Lo P. Effects of online audio-book resources on library usage and reading preferences and practices of young learners in an elementary school library setting in Hong Kong [Electronic resource] // World library and information congress : 75th IFLA General conf. and assembly «Libraries create futures: building on cultural heritage» (23–27 Aug. 2009, Milan, Italy). – URL: http://www.ifla.org

7.  Tiemensma L. Visual literacy: to comics or not to comics? How libraries can promote literacy using comics [Electronic resource] // World library and information congress : 75th IFLA General conf. and assembly
«Libraries create futures: building on cultural heritage» (23–27 Aug. 2009, Milan, Italy). – URL: http://www. ifla.org

8.  Huang Qunqing, Xu Yixing. Promote popular cultural literacy throughout the countryside in China [Electronic resource] // World library and information congress : 75th IFLA General conf. and assembly «Libraries create futures: building on cultural heritage» (23–27 Aug. 2009, Milan, Italy). – URL: http://www.ifla.org

9.  Guidelines on information literacy for lifelong learning [Electronic resource]. – URL: http://www.ifla.org/VII/ s42/pub/IL-Guidelines2006.pdf

10.  Формирование информационной культуры личности: теоретическое обоснование и моделирование содержания учебной дисциплины / Н. И. Гендина
[и др.]. – М. : Межрегион. центр библ. сотрудничества, 2006. – 512 с.